Friday, March 13, 2015

30 LATEST TOP PPC Interview Questions and Answers

PPC Interview Questions and Answers :

1.What happens when “x” doesn’t work?

This question usually pops up in regards to a tip, trick or best practice that I am talking about at a conference or with a client on the phone. The best answer I can usually come up with is, “revert.” Not everything you do will work so make sure to download a backup of your account before making major changes in case it doesn’t work out.

2.How many ads should I have in every ad group?

I typically take the top 3-5 ad groups by impressions and put 3 ads in those and then do 2 ads in all other ad groups. Then I test the ads, pick winners and add 2 more ads to the top 3-5 ad groups again and 1 ad to the others. I have found that this balances testing enough with it not taking too long to get statistically significant data.

3.When do you conclude an ad test?

For a search campaign it is typically 1,000-2,000 impressions or 200 clicks within the ad group. Sometimes at that point the ads are still running neck and neck so I let it ride until statistical significance is reached using the Teasley calculator.

4.How many keywords should I have per ad group?

This may be the most debated question out of all of these. The keywords that drive 80% of my conversions get one keyword per ad group, the keywords that get conversions but not very many go in ad groups of 3-5 keywords and the keywords that get very little impressions, clicks or conversions go in ad groups of 10-15 keywords. Using this method I have seen QS increase drastically over a 60-day period (27% of impressions coming from QS of 10 to 72% of impressions coming from QS of 10) and have found it incredible easy to manage accounts set up like this.

5.Should I have different match types in different ad groups, campaigns?

I prefer to do different match types in different ad groups and name the ad groups as such, “productx (exact),” “productx (phrase),” “productx (broad).” I have found the greatest benefit from doing this is that the account is easier to manage.

6.How do I know if conversion tracking is working correctly?

My favorite tool for this is Tag Assistant for Chrome. It’s not perfect but it does quickly alert you to issues that are worth digging in to further.

7.Does Google display network work?

I have found that the display network can work but that about half of what you try will not (meaning CPA will be too high or volume too low.) The best types of display I have found are contextual mixed with topics. This means that you have a campaign that targets different topics but with keywords so you show on more specific pages.

8.How often do you add negative keywords to an account?

I typically monitor Search Query Reports on a weekly basis but typically add negative keywords less frequently.  What I am looking for is trends/themes amongst keywords versus worrying about specific queries. Using those themes I then can add negatives at the campaign or even account level. This reduces the total number of negative keywords in an account making it easier to manage them thus insuring you don’t have negatives that are hurting performance.

9.What tools do you use for keyword research?

I use Google keyword tool, WordStream’s Niche Finder, WordTracker and Search Query Reports.

10.Do Product Listing Ads work?

Tremendously well. If you’re not utilizing these and you do ecommerce, you are missing out on a lot of revenue every single day.

11.Should I bid on competitor’s brand names?

CTR and Quality Score will be low on these terms but they do typically convert pretty well, so my answer is yes. Make sure you don’t use dynamic keyword insertion in your ads on these campaigns or else you could violate trademark policies.

12.Should I bid on my own brand terms?

The short answer is, always. Kayla Kurtz wrote a great post explaining why.

13.Does Quality Score matter?

Sometimes. The best way to know is to see if there is a correlation between Quality Score and CPA in your account. You can do this by simply pulling a keyword report including the Quality Score, doing a pivot table with QS at the right and then a column for calculated CPA. Then do a graph with a trend line. That will show you if generally you see better CPA on keywords with better QS.

14.How do I increase my Quality Score?

Increase your CTR by writing better ads, keep the number of keywords per ad group down to the ranges mentioned earlier in this post, ensure that the ad has the keywords you are bidding on in it (I am not recommending keyword stuffing, but it has to be in there somewhere to be seen as relevant),

15.The CPC on my best keywords continues to go up. Why?

This is typically caused by an increase in competition, reduction in search volume or decreasing Quality Scores. To determine if it is competition compare the Auction Insights results to a when CPC’s were lower and see if new competitors are on the list or if your metrics there have dropped. Use Google Trends to see if search volume has dropped and do a Quality Score analysis to see if that is the issue.

16.What’s the best way to decide what ad wins in a test? (What’s the best metric to use?)

I wrote on PPC Hero a few months ago about my favorite metric and it is still the one I use. It is impressions until conversions. To calculate you simply divide the number of impressions by the number of conversions. You’ll end up with some like 627. The lower the number the better the combined CTR and CR of that ad is.

PPC Interview Questions :

17.Based on which Google places ads in first place?
(A) Google decides to give rank 1 in ads depending upon CTR(quality score) x CPC bid.

18.What is CTR?
(A) CTR – Click through rate. It is number of times your ad is clicked.

19.How many campaigns can I run in one adwords account?
(A) 25 Campaigns

20.How many adgroups can I run under one campaign?
(A) 2000 adgroups

21.How many ads can I run per adgroup?
(A) 50 ads per adgroup

22.How much characters can I place in one ad?
(A) For one ad 4 rows are given

23.characters for headline
35 characyers per text row(including URL)

24.How can you Improve Conversion Rates?
(A) Creating and testing campaign with different keywords and choosing that perform well

25.IS PPC effective advertisement for search engine rankings?
(A) Google or any other search engine don`t mix PPC ads with search rankings.

26.What is Quality Score?
(A) Quality Score is Score give to your ads that attain by keywords. The Higher the quality score the less you need to pay for a Top Position of your ads. It is given upon CTR.

27.Which companies are offering PPC advertisement?
(A) Yahoo, MSN and Google are among top most PPC advertisers.

28.What is Page rank? Explain it?
(A) Google page rank algorithm helps search engines to realize the value of a page. It ranks your website on basis of quality links it has. It is given by Google depending upon keyword, backlink sites, and content.

29.Why I need to go for adwords for PPC?
(A) Because Adwords assures that 80% of internet users sees your product or service.

30.How to achieve good CTR?
(A)Here are few things that need to be kept in mind for CTR
Target your ads to right audience
Select correct keyword matching
See that you target your ads by location and language
Create different Ad Groups for different search phrases/keywords
Calculate how much you can afford for the day
test your ads on daily basis, change if you don`t get any response from users
Give Google users a good reason to click your ad

Sunday, November 16, 2014

25 LATEST TOP ADVANCED JAVA Interview Questions and Answers

Advanced Java Interview Questions and Answers :

What we can not do in jdbc but can do hibernate?
There are many thing we can do in hinernate automaticaly by hibernate tools or seting hibernate properties.some I giving below:

(1) We can migrate database just change database dielect.
(2)we can used caching
(3)if user do not know ant any SQL languge then they can use criteria query.
(4)There is one scnerio where SQL query are failed when want fetch obejct from db but do not know there ID.Hibernate provide this solution using HSQL.

Java is fully object oriented languages or not? Why?
No,java is not fully object oriented language because it does not support "multiple inheritence" and "pointers" which are used in C++.But,by using Interfaces we can implement multiple inheritence.Also,due to presence of Primitive datatypes,which are used in (AutoBoxing)...we can say it is not fully object oriented language.

If i learn Java, what kind of applications can i create that will help Banking, Retail, Hotel, Logistics industry?
When learned the java with the advanced concepts ,the application can be created for all the domain.Using the J2EE will be more friendly and efficiency in the code maintenance, since part of the code will be from the

What is difference between object state and behavior?
If you change the state of an object, you ask it to perform a behavior. An object stores its states in a field e.g.variables, and demonstrates its behavior through methods.

Can we have more than one action servlet?
yes you can have and if you specify different url patter like
*.do for one action servlet
*.abc for other action servlet in your web.xml file

Why use a datasource when you can directly specify a connection details? (in a J2EE application)?
Because, it would be really difficult to specify the connection details in every method that access the database. Instead, if we create a data source, it can be used to connect to the database in every method we want.

If I define a method in JSP scriplet <%..%>, where will it go after translation into a servlet?
It will give compilation error. In order to define a method in JSP, it should be defined in the JSP declarations <%!..% >, and it can be called in the JSP expression.On translation, the method will be added outside all
methods in the servlet class.

How will the struts know which action class to call when you submit a form?
struts-config.xml in this file.
under the tag <type> absolute path of Action class under the tag <name> name of the action form class
Both of this will be called when the desired action mentioned under the <path> tag will be called and
struts-config.xml will call action class mentioned in the <type> tag and also populate the fields of form class
mentioned under <name> tag.

Will it be called overriding if I do not change the parameters or return type, instead throw a different exception in the method signature?
yes, you will be overriding to throw a different exception

Does Java pass arguments by value or reference?
Pass by value.
1. When passing primitives, it passes a copy of the variable to the method. Any change made in the method does not reflect in the calling method.
2. When dealing with objects, a copy of their reference/address is passed. Thus the change made to the
object is reflected in the calling method.

Different between Struts and Spring? or Why use Spring, if you are already using Struts?
1.Struts is only for web Applications.We can not develop any type of Java,J2EE applications by using Struts Framework.
2.We can not Integrate other Frameworks with Any other Java Oriented Frameworks.

1.Spring is for developing any kind of Java,J2EE applications.
2.It is Layered architecture.We can integrate any no of
Frameworks with Spring.
3.It has So many features like AOP,IOC.

Explain what is synchronization?
When multiple threads working,Synchronization is to lock a method for a particular object.

Write a program to show synchronization?
public someClass{
public synchronised methodA(){
//write your code

Explain what is orm?
Object Relational Mapping ,its a tool for transaction management that needs to be integrated with Spring,Struts etc.Eg : Hibernate,iBatis,JDO etc

Write a singleton program?
Having single instance through out the Loggers

What is IOC concept & explain it?
Injecting dependencies to object itself instead of depending on container.

Explain spring framework?
Spring is lightweight,Inversion controlled,Aspect oriented ,Container framework.

What are the oops concept?
Inhertitance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Data Abstraction

What are the diff types of exception?
Unchecked and Checked exceptions

What is AOP(assepct oriented programing)?
Separating your business logic with other functionalit
y such as services,Loggers etc,Making classess more cohesive.

What is jsp life cycle?

Explain servlet life cycle?

What is prototype?
Having multiple instances or having clones

In spring bean class uses singleton or prototype?
By Default spring uses singleton or mention singleton="true" for singleton else false for prototype inside bean tag.