Wednesday, August 13, 2014

30 LATEST TOP ORACLE ADF Interview Questions and Answers

Below are the list of Latest ORACLE ADF interview questions and answers for freshers beginners and experienced pdf free download.

Latest ORACLE ADF Interview Questions and Answers

1.What is Oracle Adf?

2. Lifecycle of a Web Page Request Using Oracle ADF and JSF

3.How JSF Page Lifecycle and ADF Page Lifecycle Phases Relate

4. What is Action Listener ?

5. What are business Component In ADF.Describe them?

6. What is Top Link?

7. What is Managed Bean?

8. What is Backing Bean?

9. What is view object?

10. Difference between Backing Bean and Managed Bean?

11. What are the different kinds of Bean Scopes in JSF?

12. How to declare the page navigation (navigation rules) in faces-config.xml file in ADF 10g?

13. Setting the range of table

14. Which component in ADF BC manages transaction ?

15. Can an entity object be based on two Database Objects(tables/views) or two Webservices ?

16. Where is that we write business rules/validations in ADF and why?
A : We should ideally be writing validations at Entity Object level, because they provide highest degree of reuse.

17. What are the JSF life-cycle phases?
Ans:The six phases of the JSF application lifecycle are as follows (note the event processing at each phase):
1. Restore view
2. Apply request values; process events
3. Process validations; process events
4. Update model values; process events
5. Invoke application; process events
6. Render response

18. Explain briefly the life-cycle phases of JSF?
1. Restore View : A request comes through the FacesServlet controller. The controller examines the request and extracts the view ID, which is determined by the name of the JSP page.
2. Apply request values: The purpose of the apply request values phase is for each component to retrieve its current state. The components must first be retrieved or created from the FacesContext object, followed by their values.
3. Process validations: In this phase, each component will have its values validated against the application’s validation rules.
4. Update model values: In this phase JSF updates the actual values of the server-side model ,by updating the properties of your backing beans.
5. Invoke application: In this phase the JSF controller invokes the application to handle Form submissions.
6. Render response: In this phase JSF displays the view with all of its components in their current state.

19. What is setActionListener?
Ans:SetActionListener – The setActionListener tag is a declarative way to allow an action source ( , , etc.) to set a value before navigation. It is perhaps most useful in conjunction with the “processScope” EL scope provided b ADF Faces, as it makes it possible to pass details from one page to another without writing any Java code. This tag can be used both with ADF Faces commands and JSF standard tags.
Exmaple of this can be as follows. Suppose we have a table “employee”.We want to fetch the salary of an employee of some particular row and want to send this salary in
Next page in process scope or request scope etc.So using this we can do this.
It have two attributes :
From – the source of the value; can be an EL expression or a constant value
To – the target for the value; must be an EL expression
1 <af:setActionListener from="#{row.salary}"
2 to="#{processScope.salary1}"/>
This setActionListener will pick value of salary of that row and store this value into salary1 variable.So anyone can use this salary
As processScope.salary1 . It is very simple to use. And very useful.

Hi all , here again I came up with most awaited article .This is part oracle Adf interview Question part-two.I have accumulated ,formulated, and gathered these information from various sources.So that it would be helpful for Oracle ADF community.

20. Describe Oracle ADF Architecture?
Ans:In line with community best practices, applications you build using the Fusion web technology stack achieve a clean separation of business logic, page navigation, and user interface by adhering to a model-view-controller architecture. As shown in in an MVC architecture:
The model layer represents the data values related to the current page The view layer contains the UI pages used to view or modify that data The controller layer processes user input and determines page navigation.The business service layer handles data access and encapsulates business logic

Oracle ADF Business Components, which simplifies building business services.
Oracle ADF Faces rich client, which offers a rich library of AJAX-enabled UI components for web applications built with JavaServer Faces (JSF).
Oracle ADF Controller, which integrates JSF with Oracle ADF Model. The ADF Controller extends the standard JSF controller by providing additional functionality, such as reusable task flows that pass control not only between JSF pages, but also between other activities, for instance method calls or other task flows.
Simple Oracle ADF Architecture

21. What is Association and Viewlink ?
Ans: They define the join or the link among EO’s and VO’s.Association defines link between EO’s.They can be considered as PrimaryKey/ForeignKey relationship between tables.
The Viewlink is for a VO.It defines the Join conditions.A viewlink can be based on an association or based on attributes,Basing viewlinks on associations have the same advantage of entity cache and few more which are unveiled later.

22. What is  the Business Component Tester
ans:The mostly used component of the model layer is the tester, which is used to run and check the data model that is implemented.This serves as the first line of defense to see if data is exposed as we need it and to test the data model with out a need to create a UI.

23. What is task flow?
Ans: ADF task flows provide a modular approach for defining control flow in an application.Instead of representing an application as a single large JSF page flow, you can break it up into a collection of reusable task flows. Each task flow contains a portion of the application’s navigational graph. The nodes in the task flows are activities. An activity node represents a simple logical operation such as displaying a page, executing application logic, or calling another task flow. The transactions between the activities are called control flow cases

24. Advantage of Task Flow Over JSF flow?
 Ans: ADF task flows offer significant advantages over standard JSF page flows
  • The application can be broken up into a series of modular flows that call one another.
  • You can add to the task flow diagram nodes such as views, method calls, and calls to other task flows.
  • Navigation is between pages as well as other activities, including routers.
  • ADF task flows are reusable within the same or an entirely different application.After you break up your application into task flows, you may decide to reuse task
  • Shared memory scope (for example, page flow scope) enables data to be passed between activities within the task flow. Page flow scope defines a unique storage area for each instance of an ADF bounded task flow.
25. What are type of task flow?
 Ans: The two types of ADF task flow are:
■ Unbounded task flow: A set of activities, control flow rules, and managed beans that interact to allow a user to complete a task. An ADF unbounded task flow consists of all activities and control flows in an application that are not included within any bounded task flow.
■ Bounded task flow: A specialized form of task flow that, in contrast to an unbounded task flow, has a single entry point and zero or more exit points. It contains its own set of private control flow rules, activities, and managed beans. An ADF bounded task flow allows reuse, parameters, transaction management,and reentry. An ADF bounded task flow is used to encapsulate a reusable portion of an application. A bounded task flow is similar to a Java method in that it:
■ Has a single entry point
■ May accept input parameters
■ May generate return values
■ Has its own collection of activities and control flow rules
■ Has its own memory scope and managed bean lifespan (a page flow scope instance)
A bounded task flow can call another bounded task flow, which can call another and so on. There is no limit to the depth of the calls.The checkout process is created as a separate ADF bounded task flow, as shown
26. What are different memory scope in ADF Managed Beans.?
Ans: Please read this link

27. What is region in Task Flow?
Ans: You can render a bounded task flow in a JSF page or page fragment (.jsff) by using an ADF region. An ADF region comprises the following. You create an ADF region by dragging and dropping a bounded task flow that contains at least one view activity or one task flow call activity to the page where you want to render the ADF region. This makes sure that the ADF region you create has  content to display at runtime

28. What is Association Accessor?
Ans: It’s an operation by which an entity instance at one end of and association can access the related entity  object  instance at the other end of the association. An Accessor that travels from destination to source is called a source accessor  and an accessor that travel from source to destination is called a destination accessor.
It is described in the entity object definition xml files which can be used by view object and view link definition to specify cross entity relationship. Its return type will be the entity object class of associated entity object definition or ‘EntityImpl’ if the associated entity object definition has no entity object class.

29. What are different data control scope?
1)     Isolated:
2)    Shared(Default)-Data is shared with the parent flow.

30. What is application module pooling and how we can handle it.
  Ans: Still trying to find more info in this .
But as of now you can go

31. What do you mean by Bean Scope?
Ans: Bean Scope typically holds beans and other objects that need to be available in the different components of a web application.

32.What is the difference between JSP-EL and JSF-EL?
In JSP-EL the value expressions are delimited by ${…}.In JSf-EL the value expressions are delimited by #{…}.
The ${…} delimiter denotes the immediate evaluation of the expressions, at the time that the application server processes the page.The #{…} delimiter denotes deferred evaluation. With deferred evaluation ,the application server retains the expression and evaluates it whenever a value is needed.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

66 LATEST TOP SEO Interview Questions and Answers

Below are the list of Latest 66 SEO interview questions and answers for freshers beginners and experienced pdf free download.

Latest SEO Interview Questions and Answers

SEO Interview Questions
SEO Interview Questions and Answers

1. Tell me something about yourself?
Ans.  It’s most basic question which is asked by almost in every field to test your experience confidence in particular area & your communication skills. So, no one can explain better than you instead few tips for you.
Start with thank you so much for giving me opportunity to explain about me. I am Your Name , family introduction, your qualification, work experience whatever you have, strength.

2. What is SEO?
Ans. SEO mainly stands for search engine optimization and it’s a part of Internet Marketing. SEO is technique or process via this we can improve website visibility in major search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing etc.

3. Did you know what are the types of SEO?
Ans. Yes, there are 2 types of SEO which are
1. On Page Optimization
2. Off Page Optimization

4. Which SEO techniques are popular?
Ans. Mainly two type of SEO technique is popular
1. White Hat SEO
2. Black Hat SEO (Negative SEO)
One more type of SEO techniques which is also known is “Grey Hat SEO”

5. Who do SEO?
Ans. Person who is known as webmaster, SEO engineer or Website optimizer do SEO.

6. What is On-Page Optimization?
Ans . On page optimization is very important part of SEO & play a vital role in the improvement of SERP (Search Engine Result Page).  We can whatever changes made by us in coding or internal part of our webpage call on page for instance content adding, meta tag placing, meta description, image alt tag etc.

7. What is Off-Page Optimization?
Ans. We can say on page is the soul than its body without off page its quite difficult to get higher position in search engines for competitive keywords. In a simple language we can say off page optimization don’t allow you to make any changes in the website. It’s the process of building quality links, forum discussion, article, directory, bookmarking etc to boost the rank of your website.

SEO Off-Page Optimization Checklist/Elements

  • Search Engine Submission
  • Article
  • Directory
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Link Building
  • Press Release Submission
  • Classified Ad
  • Blog Commenting
  • Forum Posting
  • Photo Sharing
  • Video Promotion
  • Local Listing
  • Document Sharing
  • Answers & Questions
  • RSS Feed Submission
Search Engine Submission:
Few webmasters ignore this step may be they have own reason but I recommend if you are newbie or experienced if you get a new website you must submit it to popular search engines like, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Alexa, Altavista and many more. Either you submit your website in search engines or not your website will get index for sure if you are optimizing it but via SE submission your work become easier.
The best part of Search Engine Submission is its totally free, now you have another best reason to submit your website in search engines directly :-).

People think that doing article submission is the part of off-page optimization but it’s not full true if you are an SEO it’s your responsibility to create article yourself if you have hired someone for writing work than you must consult with your SEO because they are optimizing your website and they know what kind of article topics can be beneficial for your website. So, we can say Creating of article title & articles is also important part of SEO off page optimization as we all do submit so don’t need to explain more about it I assume that you already read several articles on it.

Directory Submission:
After so many updates by Google people think that directory submission is no more worthful in SEO but as per my own experience it’s still worthful. Why I say so? Doing directory submission is based on us and what kind of directory we have collected to submit and proper category for our website. No, doubts quality directories are less and they take time in approval but if we are looking for long term benefits so we should try this also. It would be great if you made list of general and niche directories for your submission as it become helpful for you in near future few popular directories where you can submit your directories are DMOZ, ZoomInfo, One Mission, Yahoo Directory, Pegaus etc. If you can afford the paid directory can proceed otherwise ignore it and submit your website to free directory list.

Social Networking and Bookmarking Sites
Social networking and bookmarking are also very important part of off-page optimization and play a vital role to boost your rank in search engines. As most people don’t know how to use it and they just spam it so it would be great for you if you use proper hash tags in social networking and bookmarking sites to promote your website you can read more about the has tags via click below topic.

How do I use Hash Tags (#) in social networking sites like FaceBook, Twitter & Google+ Etc.
Link Building
Building links for your website is most important part that’s why I have split it 3 parts for you here they are link baiting, cross linking & link exchange.

(I)Link Baiting: If you have copied and published content of other website news, article or information don’t forget to place link for them and this activity called link baiting.

(II)Cross Linking: Cross linking or internal linking both are the same thing because we place our own website link in the content of body. The best example of it Wikipedia as much as related and informative cross linking you have it will benefit your website rank.

(III)Link Exchange: Exchanging link with similar business website is another popular way it’s also known as thematic link building as you getting link from same industry website its boost your website rank.

Press Release Submission
If you are business or service provider then press release submission is really very helpful for your online business and website you can try some popular PR submission sites like, PRleap & openpr etc.

Classified Ad
Classified sites are not an ideal method of long term link building but if you want some instant results or want to sale your service or product than it could be best practice for you.

Blog Commenting
Most of the website owner use nofollow attribute in there comment section but fortunately if you are regular reader of any blog they will allow you dofollow link. So find your industry relevant blogs and start commenting.

Forum Posting
Most of the forum sites allow link in signature sections it also helps to get visitors and some point it build other trust on your website which help to increase SERP.

Photo Sharing
Well content is king no doubt but image help to attract your visitors few popular image sharing sites: &

Video Promotion
Some time people feel bored to read content too much and that’s why they prefer you can also promote your product service via video promotion YouTube, DailyMotion & Metacafe are few popular names in video promotion website.

Recommended: How to Get More YouTube Views

Local Listing
It’s good if you are promoting your website globally but nowadays google more prefer to local results so submit your website to local search engines and popular portal or website which are well known in your area. You can also submit your website in Google Maps, Yahoo Local & Yellow pages etc.

Document Sharing
Document sharing is another way to promote your website and is best example of it. So browse it and try yourself :-).

Answers & Questions
Participating in websites where people ask questions and answers is another way to get some traffic and good way to getting backlinks you can try & Yahoo Answering.

RSS Feed Submission
There are many popular website which can create free RSS feed for you and then you can submit it to RSS feed which will help to rank your website instead of this you will get good number of visitors and may be they can subscribe you via your feed.
At the end I will say may be you know some of them or don’t aware about few points but the main thing is that using of all these techniques because sometime people aware about the technique but they just spam and don’t get benefit from it. So be careful to use all these techniques and if you have something to update in it please let me know via your comment or email I will do the needful.
8. What tools do you use for doing seo?
Ans. Generally I use free tools like Google Webmaster tools, Google analytics, Alexa, Website grade etc.  Well there are many paid SEO tools are also available like Moz.

9. What is Google Sandbox?
Ans. Google Sandbox is an imaginary area where new and less authoritative sites are kept for a specific time period until they establish themselves of being displayed on the search results. Its generally happen due to building high volume of links in short time.

10. What is PR or Page Rank?
Ans. PR or Page Rank is provided by Google and its help to understand the value of a website or webpage. The Page Rank is calculated by Google algorithm which is based on number of backlinks received for particular page, visitor’s reaction, bounce rate etc.

11. What do you mean by backlinks?
Ans. All the backlinks created for your website on another website called backlinks. It would be great if you’re taking links from high authority sites  in do follow high authority sites like .org, .edu and links from high authority sites.

12. What do you mean by outbound links?
Ans. Links to other website or webpage from your own website.

13 What is Keyword & Keyword Phrase?
Ans.  Keyword is simple word like “SEO” “Website” etc instead of this keyword phrase is “Seo India” “SEO Services India” etc these both type of word use to find relevant results in search engines.

14. What is Keyword Density?
Ans. Keyword density let you know how many time you have used the particular keyword or keyword phrase in web page.

15. What is Anchor Text?
Ans. Link text, link label or link title these are synonym of Anchor Text. An particular keyword or keyword phrase which is clickable is called anchor text.

16. What do you mean by organic results?
Ans. Particular web page which comes in search engine result page and not through any off page optimization is known as organic results.

17. What is Googlebot?
Ans. Googlebot is Google’s own software which do index, crawl & caching of webpage & update its collected data time to time.

18. What is meta tags?
Ans. Meta tag is combination of several meta tags but it included 4 major meta tags which are meta title, meta description, meta keywords & robots tags.

19. What is Meta Title?
Ans.  Title tag is important factor of website and its place at the header of page under title section. This tag is important because it appear in search results so be very careful to create title tag for website or web page.

20. What is Meta Description?
Ans. Few word about your website or webpage which can describe about your page service, product in best manner calls description. For instance we can see the page description just below the title.

21. What are the limitations of title and description tags in Google, Yahoo, Bing &
Ans. Every search engine has its own algorithm and word limitation meta tag limitation for different search engines are as follows: Title length should be 50- 60 character & description length 150-160 characters. Title length should be 60-72 character & description length 155-165 characters. Title length should be 65 character & description length 155 characters. Title length should be 70 character & description length 312 characters.

22. What are meta keywords?
Ans. If your main visitors come via Google than this tag is worthless for you because Google don’t consider this tag anymore if you still want to use can use it because other search engines are still considering it and it can help you to boost the rank of your website.

23. What is the difference between White Hat & Black Hat SEO?
White Hat SEO- It’s the techniques which is like by search engines. If you are following search engine guidelines, rule and regulations, algorithm and policies to improve your website position is called White Hat SEO techniques.

Black Hat SEO – Black hat seo is also known as a Negative SEO and its just opposite of White hat seo. If you are not following the search engine guidelines and using unnatural method to get higher position in search engines called black hat seo. Few instances of Black Hat SEOs are:
  • Low quality of duplicate content
  • Getting link from non-thematic website to manipulate Page Rank
  • Links from spam sites
  • Links from adult content sites
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Cloaking
  • Google Bowling etc.
  • Getting too much backlinks from a single page with different anchor text that targets a single page of your website.
24. How will you increase the PageRank of a page?
Ans. It’s build high quality link from relevant web pages try to take link from high pr website to increase the PR of your website or webpage.

25. How will you treat Web standards while optimizing a website?
Ans. I personally use for web standards from the W3C whenever optimize any website, which help me to get more points from Google to improvise page rank.

26. What is 301 redirect?
Ans. It’s use to redirect users from old page to new page.

27. What is Cloaking?
Ans.  It’s procedure of using some deceptive techniques that allows user with a different version of the website than that presented to the search engines.

28. What will you do to decrease the page loading time of a website?
Ans.  It’s little technical and we cause external style sheets, less images, try to decrease the file size of image without compromising the quality and use CSS sprites to regulate the HTTP requests.

29. What is robots.txt file?
Ans. It’s a text file which allow search engines to which page, directory, domain have to index or not.

30. What is cross linking?
Ans. In simple way cross linking means referral links whenever we post content from other website for our users and reader and in return place the referral link of the website is called cross linking.

31. How will you resolve canonicalization issue or what is .htacess file?
Ans. I will resolve canonicalization via using .htaccess file it happens several time that the home page of website have different urls like:
May be  search engines treat these url as different urls and the work effort done by us will be distribute in these 3 and it will appear as duplicate website in search engines to resolve these type of issues we must should .htaccess file and redirect to all urls to single domain.

32. What will do you do maximize the frequency of crawling of your website by search engines?
Ans. I will do add more quality content to my web pages for fast crawling and indexing by search engines.

33. What is Pagination in SEO?
Ans. Pagination is the practice of dividing a piece of content into different pages while at the same time allowing Google to better understand the important pages to be indexed. Read the Google’s advice on using the pagination.

34. How will you inform Google that a particular page contains Adult content?
Ans. It’s easy we can inform Google about the adult content via using following meta
<meta name=”rating” content=”adult” />
<meta name=”rating” content=”RTA-5042-1996-1400-1577-RTA” />

35. What are top SEO ranking factors according to you?
Ans.  It depends on several points like quality content on web page, social  sharing, anchor text used in backlink, number & quality of inbound links, domain authority, page CTR, bounce rate & average time spent by user on the page etc.

36. How you will good click through rate (CTR) in pay per click (PPC)?
Ans.  It’s not an easy task but can improve CTR via keeping these points in mind
  • First select the correct keywords
  • Target your ads to right audience
  • Target your ads according to language.
  • Make your budget before starting PPC
  • Create different Ad Groups for different search phrases/keywords
  • Keep analyze your ads on daily basis and change it if you are not getting sufficient results from it.
37. Where do you put your robots.txt file?
Ans.  I will submit it to in Google Webmaster tools or in the root directory of the domain or subdomain which I am promoting.

38. Your website is flagged as having malware, but you can’t find the malware. How will resolve this issue or what will you do?
Ans. Very first step I will submit reconsideration request to respect search engine. If problem not resolve will post my problem in Google Webmaster help forum and take others advise and try another option via tweeting @Google.

39. “Unreachable robots.txt” in Webmaster Tools crawl errors means?
Ans. If getting such issues it simple mean that you don’t have robots.txt file or search engine can’t reach robots. txt file on server. If not have these option it could robots.txt file requires password or robots.txt file disallows access to your robots.txt file.

40. You want that some of your keywords found on search engines but these keywords are related to your content and can only found in images on the page. How will you promote these keywords?
Ans.   it’s not so difficult because the content for website related to keyword as said these keywords can be found in images. So, I will use these keywords in image via “alt image tag” and submit it to some image promotion sites.

41. All major search engines are case sensitive Yes or No?
Ans. Not any major search engine is case sensitive so far.
42. Which of the following file is created to give instructions to SE bots?
a. Index.html
b. Spiders.txt
c. sitemap.xml
d. Robots.txt
e. Searchbot.xml
Ans.  D- website owner use robts.txt file to give instruction to search engine tools.

42. What is the difference between 301 redirect & 302 redirect?
Ans. 301 Redirect – 301 status code means that a page has permanently moved to new page or location.
302 Redirect – 302 status code means that a page has temporary moved to new page or location.

43. How will you find number of backlinks of your competitors site?
Ans. There are many free tools available online for free to find out the backlinks of website like link operator on Google, Alexa, Backlink Watch , Open Site Explorer,Backlink finder etc.

44. What is the difference between Spiders, Robots and Crawlers?
Ans. It’s tricky question don’t get confuse because spiders and robots are same basically its program which crawls the website and grab its content and add it to search engine indexes.

45. What is the difference between SEO and SEM?
Ans. SEO mainly stands for Search Engine Optimization and SEO stands for Search Engine Marketing. Instead of this SEO mainly provide top position in search engines and organic traffic to a website and SEM involves use of Google adwords and other paid channels of advertising.

46. What is the method to content optimization?
Ans. Everyone use his own method to optimize content but in my opinion few best content optimization methods are: Keyword density in content, Keyword Proximity & Keyword Prominence etc.

47. Do you types of Keywords?
Ans. Yes the types of keywords are primary keywords, secondary keywords, branded keywords, non branded keywords, and seasonal keywords.

48. Did you know what is the difference between targeted page & landing page?
Ans. Page which we have targeted to rank that page known as targeted page and the page which has ranked called landing page.

49. Which are top 5 most important onpage factors according to you?
Ans. As per my experience and knowledge 5 most important on-page factors are:
1. Title
2. Description
3. Heading Tag
4. Image Optimization
5. Content Optimization

50. What are the different method to control the robot?
Ans. We can control the robots via 3 methods which are:
1. Robots.txt
2. Robots Meta Tag
3. Rel= nofollow

51. How will you optimize a website which is made on Flash and what is your suggestion for your client?
Ans. Search engines don’t crawl images and its hard to optimize fully flash website. So, I will recommend to client use the alternative of flash like HTML 5 which is more search engine friendly.

52. What do you understand by Frames in HTML?
Ans. Frame is a HTML techniques which split the content into several parts & search engines see frame page as completely different pages which left negative impact on SEO. So it would be good if avoid frame in website.

53. A client will allow you to take only tool either Google Analytics or Google Webmasters which one you choose?
Ans. Off-course I will go with webmaster tools as we can see few analytics data in webmaster tools.

54. What is Keyword Difficulty?
Ans. Keyword difficulty let us know who difficult to rank a particular keyword.

55. Which is better Robots.txt or Meta Robots Tag?
Ans. Meta Robots tag is much better as because it helps in forcing the search engine crawlers not to index and display the hidden pages in your server.

56. If you have a site that is targeted at a particular country only, which of the following are recommendable to do in order to rank well in country specific search results?
Ans. Very first thing I will check is that website in appropriate language if have than use language attribute in HTML code of page. I will recommend to host the website on the same country hosting after doing will submit website to local search engines.

57. Do you know Matt Cutts, Sergey Brin & Larry Page.
Ans. Yes, Sergey Brin & Larry Page are the founder of Google. Matt Cutts is the head of Web Spam team currently.

58. Do you use separate Seo strategies for Google,Yahoo and Bing?
Ans. Yes, As these are different search engines so need to use different strategies for each. Website ranks in Google which are high authority and good number of backlinks instead Yahoo & Bing give more value to page title & Meta tags.

59. What does the abbreviation PPC stand for?
Ans. Pay Per Click (PPC) measure how much online advertisers must pay each time their advertisement is clicked on.

60. What is LSI?
Ans. LSI mainly stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. It’s a data retrieval techniques which finds connection between words and the use of synonyms while fetching data from the index.

61. Will you use an ordinary html sitemap with Google?
Ans. No, As Google has special format to sitemap compare to ordinary html sitemap and we can create these sitemaps for free which Google accept.

62. You have just launched a new web site. Unfortunately, nobody visits it, even search engines’ spiders don’t notice it. What can you do for its SEO success?
Ans. It happens with new sites some time if I am in such situation I will submit the url to search engines directly or submit in search engines directories.

63. What is the difference between exit rate and bounce rate?
Ans. We all are familiar with bounce rate which indicate the percentage of people who leave a particular website just after viewing a single page on this & exit rate indicate the percentage of people who leaves from a particular page.

64. Can search engines see password protected pages?
Ans. Due to security purpose website owners don’t allow search engines. If we have website which is password protect and an user can’t view after login than the search engines also can’t see it.

65. As a point of view of SEO which link is better Text Link or Graphic Link?
Ans. Text link is far better than graphic link.

66. What is Google EMD updates?
Ans. EMD update its is for “Exact Match Domain” and it was launched in September 2012. As few website rank on top of the search engines just because there name include that keywords and they don’t have quality content anything which helpful for users. So this search engines devalue such type of sites and start giving weight age to high quality and authority sites. Few website maintain their pages updated content and regain the position but most of the website are worthless now days.
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